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homesteaded in 1887

Taylor's ancestors came West in a covered wagon from Missouri in 1886. They spent their first winter in a dugout a little over 4 miles from where they later settled and homesteaded the Double Rafter Ranch in 1887 at the base of the Big Horn Mountains near Sheridan, Wyoming.


For over 130 years, we have strived to raise quality cattle and care for the land we graze. Our family was one of the first families to trail their cattle to graze the Bighorn Mountains before it belonged to the Forest Service.


When hard times hit the ranch in the 1970's and early 80's, our family was on the cusp of losing everything. They had two options: Diversify to continue the family legacy or get out of the cow business. 

From those hard times, Double Rafter Cattle Drives were born. In 1990, we began inviting paying guests to join us on the cattle drive trailing the herd to their summer grazing in the Bighorn Mountains and back again in the fall. Its authenticity - camping, cooking, and trailing the same way for over 100 years - as well as the warmth of the Kerns' family allowed the ranch to survive and eventually thrive again.

In 2017, Taylor and I decided to begin our own venture - Truly \ Beef. We wanted to build a business that glorified God, provided consumers with access to great beef directly from our ranch, and gave our family the opportunity to build something for itself. We believe that the American Dream is alive and well if you are willing to serve and put in the hard work.

We are excited for what the future has in store for the Kerns' families and the Double Rafter Ranch. We look forward to preserving this land, our traditions, and good food for many more generations to come

- Cathryn Kerns

We invite you to 

Every summer, our family invites guests to our ranch to participate in authentic 1880's cattle drives. You'll experience long days in the saddle trailing our cattle from the homestead over 50 miles to the Bighorn Mountains. 

Are you up for an adventure?

Double Rafter Cattle Drives

Double Rafter Cattle Drives

Double Rafter Cattle Drives
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Double Rafter Cattle Drives | An Authentic 1880s Cattle Drive | (The Backyard Season Finale Teaser)

Double Rafter Cattle Drives | An Authentic 1880s Cattle Drive | (The Backyard Season Finale Teaser)

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The Backyard | S1 EP9 (Season Finale) - Legends of the West

The Backyard | S1 EP9 (Season Finale) - Legends of the West

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The Drive to Brotherhood: Semper Fi & America's Fund's Jinx McCain Horsemanship Program

The Drive to Brotherhood: Semper Fi & America's Fund's Jinx McCain Horsemanship Program

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